September 1, 2023 Daily Horoscope

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September 1, 2023 Daily Horoscope

Aries Horoscope

We have a secret to share with you: it is already yours. Aries, you already own it! Change your frequency rather than concentrating on escaping. Transform your energy to correspond with the thing you want to attract. There's a feeling that as you evolve, so will the world around you. Remember that your guardian angels are already hard at work in service of you and your dreams. Crystal celestite can be placed by your bedside or the table where you play the game of creative visualization to help you tap into their energy.

A cosmic warning: Your guardian angels are assisting you and working through you to make your goals a reality. 

Taurus Horoscope 

Dancer Gabrielle Roth claims in her book Maps to Ecstasy that "if you just set people in motion, they'll heal themselves." On the opposite side of the full moon portal, you will be reminded of this. So, bring out your inner celebratory spirit. Move your body to the cosmic beat and feel your own being come to life. Consider how you, as a healer, facilitator, or holistic practitioner, may best introduce your soul family to the healing power of movement at this time.

A cosmic warning:  Move to the beat of the stars.

Leo Horoscope

The algorithm of the universe is flawless, and it always favors you. Take what is happening now as the fulfillment of your hopes and wishes. A resounding "yes" to a request you've been keeping hidden from the gods! Heard at the cosmic meeting: set your mental radio dial to a frequency of thanksgiving while picturing the finest potential conclusion.

A cosmic warningWishes have a weird way of coming true when we least expect it.

Sagittarius Horoscope

This weekend, you can't shake the need to blend in with the world around you. In order to break through obstacles and engage in supreme alchemy. You wish you could bare your soul without worrying about the consequences. What is yours will always be yours; you are beginning to realize this on a deep, fundamental level. If your spouse is willing to be there for you on a regular basis, it shows they care about the future of your relationship as much as you do. Single archers, you've got to take your chances as well. It's important to express your emotions to the person you have feelings for. During Mercury's retrograde, it's important to remember that taking chances won't help you.

A cosmic warning: You have to take some risks.

Gemini Horoscope

Someone wise once said, "Just because you're old doesn't mean you have to stop dancing." When you stop dancing, you start to age. As we move into the dark phase of the moon, it is time to reflect on this. This is a call to tune in to your physical self and your breathing, to stimulate your entire being, and to move to the beat of the universe. Now is a great time to leave your mark in the world, especially if you're a creative type or a storyteller. As you finally let go of the need to be perfect, I encourage you to share your talents in a way that feels true to who you are. And there's something else! Don't listen to haters who say you can't make a living as an artist.

A cosmic warning: Sway.

Cancer Horoscope 

What does the term "wealth" mean to you? How do you feel about having plenty of money? The declining moon might help you change your money mindset and realize that you deserve a life that's satisfying on many levels (mental, emotional, and spiritual) rather than just one. Given the strength of your growth attitude, you could even feel compelled to return to school or enroll in a course. Don't hesitate to put your time and money where your future is concerned, moon child.

A cosmic warningPut money into yourself. Finance expansion.

ALSO READ:-August 31, 2023 Daily Horoscope

Virgo Horoscope 

Those well-versed in the art of manifestation will tell you that there are numerous approaches to try. Keeping a manifestation journal, or writing down your hopes and wishes and speaking them aloud to Mama Moon are two examples. We have faith that your unique relationship with the Holy Spirit enables you to consistently invoke miraculous events in your life. But now we want you to think about an alternative approach: aligning your frequency with the thing you wish to attract. While sipping your morning chai, consider the words of author and channel Darryl Anka: "Everything is energy and that's all there is to it." You can't help but attract the reality whose frequency you're matching. No alternative worldview is possible. So far, so physicist.

A cosmic warningIt feels right (on all levels)! 

Libra Horoscope

Yes, Libra, we see what you mean. You had a lot of emotions during the full moon, and now you just want to be alone. So, take a break from the hustle and make time to explore inwards. Whatever it is that helps you feel spiritually nourished — lighting candles at an altar, reading a self-help book, taking a relaxing bath — do it! For some of you, a night in front of the TV is the only routine that sounds appealing, and that's fine! This is your go-ahead to think about, or write down some ideas for, a creative/spiritual retreat you might like to attend or host.

A cosmic warningSpend time alone and take care of yourself.

Scorpio Horoscope

You've arrived at a fork in the road and you're debating whether to do the right thing or the easy thing. Whenever possible, go with the former option. Keep in mind that there is always a consequence for our acts because of the law of karma. Besides, it's part of your sacred responsibility to look out for the welfare of your fellow unicorns. You may feel a calling to use your artistic or spiritual talents to serve others, whether that means your immediate community or the world at large. Always act in accordance with who you truly are, knowing full well that perfection is a mirage.

A cosmic warningStay true to who you are. So long!

Sagittarius Horoscope 

This weekend, you can't shake the need to blend in with the world around you. In order to break through obstacles and engage in supreme alchemy. You long to lay naked your innermost thoughts and feelings without thinking about the consequences. What is yours will always be yours, and you are beginning to realize this on a deep, fundamental level. If your spouse is willing to be there for you on a regular basis, it shows they care about the future of your relationship as much as you do. Archers who choose to go it alone do so at their own risk. It's important to express your feelings when you're feeling them. It's important to remember that during the retrograde period, it's not wise to rely on chance.

A cosmic warningYou have to play the odds.

Capricorn Horoscope

A part of you longs for chaos, mayhem, and excitement. There's also a part of you that longs for stability, security, and routine. This is not the time, Capricorn, to start fighting with your own mind. Now is the moment to act on that "impulse" and try something new. The truth is that there will be both good and bad times on the path you are about to take. Put your faith in the fact that the good days will far outnumber the bad ones.

A cosmic warningYou are safe and sound in our hands. Take a gamble and go with your gut.

Aquarius Horoscope

Yes, Aquarius, it's true! You're in the prime of your life, and it looks as good as it feels. You're putting in the effort to take care of yourself, nourish yourself, eat clean, move your body, cultivate solitude, and grow your awareness. But here's the thing: the more we explore our own minds, the sharper our perspective. In other words, there are occasions when we experience a lifting of the curtain, which can be very unsettling. If this sounds like your situation, sit down with those feeling down and listen to what they have to say over a cup of tea. There are probably portions of yourself and your old life that you need to abandon.

A cosmic warningYou'll be able to swim right through the pain.

Pisces Horoscope


When did you last experience something for the very first time? Right now, cosmic conditions favor your making a clean slate, trying something new, and putting effort into developing yourself. You can put your faith in the seemingly random thoughts because they are pointing you in the direction of your happiness and fulfillment. In addition, the following four days will focus heavily on mending broken bonds in your social life. Let 'forgiveness' become a habit that you regularly engage in. Let go of your own and the other person's or people's prior karmic burdens.

A cosmic warningThe two of you need to be let free.