September 8, 2023 Daily Horoscope

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September 8, 2023 Daily Horoscope

Aries Horoscope

You are fortunate to have a full schedule. You're working with your spirit team to create art that matters, to motivate widespread change, and to accomplish your holy goal. This is what it's like to be at the peak of your physical and mental abilities. You didn't just magically appear here, you know. Your perseverance and dedication over the years have paid off, bringing you to this point. So, make 'discipline' your mantra and never waver from your lofty objectives. Lovely, just think of all the locations you'll go!

  A Cosmic Warning :-Finally, there's this! Ignore anyone who tells you you can't make a living from your craft. 

Taurus Horoscope

You've grown up a lot in the past several years, and one of those things is being inconsistent. The last thing you need, Taurus, is a companion who only makes appearances when it's convenient for them. You seek a union so profound that it causes your souls to blend into one another. In the next months, we sense that is exactly what the Universe has in store for you. A word to the wise: when you travel into a new timeline, keep the energy of what you are making in your chest. Remember this: the greatest is yet to come!

  A Cosmic Warning:- The world around you is something you've made up. Your narrative can be altered via deliberate thought and hard work.

Gemini Horoscope 

The sun is about to peek out at the Gemini headquarters! You look and feel like a brilliant and courageous new you! You're choosing to look on the bright side and increase your good fortune by a factor of 10. You have reached an awareness of the temporary nature of all things in your life. You know that every low point has an accompanying high point, and that you'll always have access to the support and resources you require to keep floating. Advice for the mature: carry a sense of trust and surrender with you as you go through life.

  A Cosmic Warning :-There's always a silver lining, though!

Cancer Horoscope

In progress? Who are they? Cancer, you are an unfinished masterpiece. So shift your perspective. Take stock of how far you've come in the past several months. Look at your vision board again, and resolve to pursue your big goal with renewed vigor. Keep both of your feet on the ground, though. Everything in the cosmos is aligned to help you progress to the next level. Some of you might be really, really successful! If this is the case, then you need to visualize the best case scenario and have faith that Spirit will bring you to it. 

  A Cosmic Warning :- Imagine the best possible result happening.

Leo Horoscope

It seems to be evaporating before your eyes. They are losing it everything. Elements of identity + Fragments of history. Let this process of ego death unfold naturally, without intervening. Try asking yourself some deep questions while you work through your current unease. Having done so, you have entered the rebirth gateway. Leo. There is greater tranquility, prosperity, happiness, creativity, and growth on the other side.

  A Cosmic Warning :- In other words, you haven't seen anything yet!

Virgo Horoscope

Consider this, Virgo: why do you feel such a strong attachment to this particular person, location, or circumstance? Are you worried of spending time alone and facing your own loneliness? It's possible that not everything you're focusing on right now is actually in your best interest. A warning from retrograde logic: it's high time you noticed the beauty in learning the same lessons again. Perhaps betrayal is on your mind a lot lately. Maya Angelou said it best: "When people show you who they are, believe them the first time."

  A Cosmic Warning :-There's a lovely lesson that's repeated here. 

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Libra Horoscope

It's the time of year to put forth your most confident and brilliant self. Now is the time to take stock of your good fortune and increase it by a factor of ten. You are surrounded by powerful manifestation energy that confirms your wildest dreams. This soulscope is a sign that you will soon be able to see the bright side of things, so don't worry if you've been down for a while. The best thing to do is to chill out and accept. You can do it!

  A Cosmic Warning :- Put your guard down and open your hands. Everything is falling into place in the most unusual way for you!

Scorpio Horoscope

You can either wallow in your misfortunes or change your perspective to appreciate the positives of the situation. Keep your sights on the prize, Scorpio. Take stock of your good fortune and triple it. You're a wild one because you're not only surviving but thriving. Therefore, today many sorts of therapeutic benefits may be gained through interacting with nature and the elements. The moment has come to go barefoot through the fields, as I overheard at the cosmic meeting. It's time to jump into the water and say hey to the dolphins and mermaids!

  A Cosmic Warning :- You're a wild one because you're not only surviving but thriving. 

Sagittarius Horoscope 

Sagittarius, we hear you. Ego deaths have been piling up, and you can't take much more. As the old narrative begins to dissolve, you may find that you are confused about who you are. Embrace the pain and the unknown; you'll be doing yourself a favor. The retrograde season's vibe suggests you embrace the "I don't know" and wait for the answers you seek to present themselves in their own good time. Finally, there's this! Don't feel like you have to rush through life. You must first give yourself the sensitive loving attention that you deserve.

  A Cosmic Warning :-Embrace the awkwardness and the unknown.

Capricorn Horoscope 

Let me tell you something about manifestation, honey: you'll get what you wish for exactly when you're ready for it. When it's in our best interest and will help us progress rapidly. Don't question the help you're getting from the universe; instead, rely on it and move forward with faith and submission. Behave as though the raise you've been working toward, the executive suite, and the new residence are already yours. The Universe is saying, "Ask, and you shall receive!"

  A Cosmic Warning :- Wild one, if you ask, you shall receive.

Aquarius Horoscope

You are in amazement and wonder today. You're completely enamored with life and everything that it has to offer. Miracles will come to you by the dozen, Aquarius, since your internal radio is tuned to thankfulness. A celestial convention was overheard, and its participants agreed to offer you more than you can fathom or count. Relax into a state of receptivity, allowing yourself to be filled with the boundless good fortune that is coming your way.

  A Cosmic Warning :-Make appreciation your internal radio station. 

Pisces Horoscope 

What does the term "escapism" imply to you, Pisces, and what are you trying to run away from right now? Some people use drugs and alcohol to dull emotions they'd rather not experience. Other people 'role-play' their way through life by completely immersing themselves in their careers and other obligations. And then there are others who, desperate to fill a "void," choose mates who exhibit harmful characteristics. You are being challenged to take stock of the maladaptive coping techniques that have grown routine throughout this retrograde. Writing prompt: what advice would you give a best friend in a similar situation?

  A Cosmic Warning :-Love, caring, and gentleness must be reinstated as you break habitual patterns through self-awareness.