Top 10 Home Remedies To Treat Dark Circle

When these things happen to us, we feel terrible and horrible. Relax; this is an issue that affects more than just you.

Top 10 Home Remedies To Treat Dark Circle

1. Bags of iced tea

Using cold tea bags is one of the most efficient and simple techniques to get rid of those black circles under your eyes. If you need fast relief, try chamomile or green tea bags. The dark circles under your eyes may lighten slightly due to the residual caffeine's ability to constrict blood vessels and limit blood flow.

Tea bags can be used :-  cold by first being soaked in water and then being chilled in the fridge. Take them out of the fridge and put them softly on both of your eyes for ten to fifteen minutes. Recur frequently.

2. Potato or cucumber grating

By far, this is the most effective treatment available. They're helpful for eliminating under-eye bags as well. The inflammation and dark circles under your eyes can be helped by the vitamins, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties of these refreshing vegetables.

Cucumber and Potato Recipes : - You can get rid of puffy eyes by rubbing grated raw potatoes or cucumbers on them. Just chill out and take them off after 10 or 12 minutes. You may also use a juicer to make potato or cucumber juice. Use a cotton ball dipped in the juice to pat onto your closed eyelids. Be sure to cover all of the ground around the circles of darkness. Wash it off with cold water after waiting 1-3 minutes. If you're in a hurry, you can also try placing cold cucumber or potato slices right on your eyes.

3.Chilled Milk

The delicate skin around your eyes can be cleansed and soothed with cold milk. Lactic acid, found in cold milk, not only lightens the skin but also helps minimize puffiness. Milk's potassium content also helps skin retain moisture, resulting in smoother, more supple skin.

Cold milk can be applied :- A cotton ball dipped in cold milk can be applied to the eyes for relief. After a while, remove it and wash your eyes with cool water. Try to do it three times a week!

4.Propping Your Head Up

Your sleeping position has an effect on the area around your eyes. Put a couple of pillows beneath your head to keep it slightly elevated, which will reduce the appearance of puffiness and swelling around your eyes.

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5.Aloe Vera

In terms of hydration, Aloe Vera is excellent. Skin that is properly hydrated has a lower risk of sagging and remains healthy for longer. Further, aloe vera's nourishing properties aid in delaying skin ageing.

 How to Use It :- Apply Aloe Vera gel and massage softly beneath your eyes for 5–7 minutes before retiring for the night. Don't wash unless you're really bothered by how sticky you are.

6.Almond oil and lemon juice

The combination of almond oil and lemon juice is another time-tested method of dealing with under-eye circles. The ascorbic acid in lemon juice, combined with other nutrients, helps to minimize the water retention that contributes to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. It has a slight whitening effect, but be careful not to overdo it because undiluted it can cause skin harm.

To use almond oil with lemon juice :- mix a teaspoon of almond oil with a few drops of lemon juice and dab it lightly over your eyes. Apply pressure for two or three minutes, then relax. Clean up after that!


You can safely call this one grandma's special cure! Rosewater is revitalizing and refreshing, and it may be used on just about every skin type or condition. It's also good for toning the skin and acts as a mild astringent.

 How to Use It :- Apply a cotton pad soaked in rose water to your closed eyelids. Don't touch for at least 15 minutes. If you want to see the best benefits, do this every night for a month.

8 Tomatoes

To naturally lighten skin, try using tomatoes. They include anti-oxidants that reduce dark circles under the eyes.

To use tomatoes :- combine a pinch of tomato juice and a pinch of lemon juice in a teaspoon and dab it under each eye. Ten minutes later, wash it off with cold water. You can also try consuming a mixture of tomato juice, lemon juice, and mint leaves to get rid of dark circles under your eyes.

9.Meditation and Yoga

Stress, despair, and an otherwise unbalanced way of living can all contribute to under-eye darkness. Therefore, keeping your cool is an effective strategy for dealing with under-eye circles. However, given the pervasive nature of stress in our lives, this is not always a viable option. Therefore, incorporating Yoga and Meditation into your daily routine is highly recommended.

Yoga not only helps to relax the mind, but it also controls the circadian rhythms and gets to the root of most physical issues.

10 - Regular sleep

Getting adequate sleep on a consistent basis is crucial if you want to get rid of dark circles under your eyes. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule gives your body (and skin) the time it needs to recover, heal, and rejuvenate. Your skin's health and young appearance will both benefit from this. Poor skin condition is one of the first indicators of overall health. Getting enough good quality sleep on a consistent basis can be your greatest weapon in the fight against dark circles.