Today: August 28, 2023

Aries Horoscope

You've really been making an effort to help others. You’ve been trying your best to provide joy to everyone around you. But in the great scheme of things, you have neglected one person very important to you: yourself, Aries. In this Mercury retrograde season, it's important to remind yourself to take it easy and just be. Relax with a good book and a cup of coffee while time seems to move more slowly around you. As a side note, now is a great time to start looking for a new home if you're in the market for one.

Universe hint:-  Always keep *your* needs in mind.

Pisces Horoscope

Who cares if it's Monday? You're in the mood to do the unthinkable today. Don't forget to take it easy, though. Taking consistent activity is essential throughout the retrograde period. Concerning Rx specifically, it seems like there are always problems with communication. Don't be afraid to say what's on your mind without fear of repercussions. It is *not* a good idea to leave space for error.

Universe hint:-  Declare what is true.

Virgo Horoscope

To what extent may your higher self's exercise of free choice determine your ultimate fate? That everything happens for a reason, and that *you* have crafted your life to maximize learning, development, and enlightenment. Put aside your questions of "who," "what," and "why" and just embrace what this heavenly comedy is showing you right now. Virgo, you've arrived at a pivotal juncture. Determine exactly how you'd like the remainder of your life to play out.

Universe hint:- Is fate really simply your superior self exercising their own free will?

Scorpio Horoscope 

No matter how many times we tell ourselves wonderful things, the truth is that life isn't always going to be a bed of roses. The unpleasant stickiness and sliminess will always be included. Then, give in. Know that the gift of acceptance will change your situation, and accept each day as it comes, good or bad. Life carefully selects the experiences we need to mature and expand, according to a revelation at a cosmic summit.

Universe hint:-  Everything is working out perfectly. Trust.

Cancer Horoscope

Totally got it, Cancer! You have an overwhelming want to multitask because you feel so powerful. During Mercury's retrograde, remember that acting hastily seldom pays off. Maintain a constant level of effort. Moon kid, progress comes from baby steps taken with care. Stability in your love relationships is predicted. You're creating room for someone who brings out the best in you because they aren't scared to express themselves honestly. Heard at the cosmic summit: recognize the wonder all around you at this very now.

Universe hint:- Salute to the healing power of love.

Gemini Horoscope

Gemini, you've made it! Long ago, you created the life you're currently living. So disconnect from your rational mind and reconnect with your emotional self. Feel the affection, the appreciation, the growth, the majesty. Be grateful for both the now and the future. Believe that the good fortune will increase the further you go. The forthcoming full moon may signal a significant change in the dynamics of your relationships for some of you. It's time to open your hearts to new unicorns and renew ties with long-lost friends. Some of you might be thinking about finding a roommate. The answer is "yes" if taking this path would lead you to become the person you've always imagined yourself to be.

Universe hint:-  Prepare to meet up with your kindred spirits.

Aquarius Horoscope


Aquarius, we have a secret to share with you: the algorithm of the Universe is flawless, and it is always striving to provide you the finest possible experience on Earth. Don't stress too much about the things that don't appear to make sense. Don't stress excessively over the things that are going wrong. Let go of your fear and accept the chance for new growth. We sense that the coming months will be your coming-of-age. 

Universe hint:- Don't stress too much over little inconsistencies.

Taurus Horoscope

Imagine the damage that may be done by burying your feelings instead of confronting them head-on. A word of advice during Mercury Retrograde: never apologize for saying what's on your mind. Simultaneously, let the other person to talk about what’s bothering them. This is the only way to find a peaceful resolution and restore equilibrium.

Universe hint:-  Wild one, tell it like it is.

Libra Horoscope 

You have to participate obsessively in the manifestations of your own benefits," Gilbert writes in her New York Times best-seller Eat, Pray, Love. And once you've found happiness, you should never let up on the reins. You'll need to put in some serious work if you want to maintain your position at the summit of that ocean of joy. Instead of dwelling on the past and what went wrong, Libra, you would be wise to look forward to what the future holds. Instinct tells us you're prepared to enter the miraculous energy zone. There's a strong intuition that you're prepared to attract the love and success you deserve. 

Universe hint:- You're at the threshold of a miraculous energy field. 

Sagittarius Horoscope

The lesson of transience is today's cosmic weather's deliverance. The understanding that you must let go of what has fulfilled its function in your life, no matter how much you want to hold on to it. Relax and let go of the illusion of control you've been holding onto. Allow natural processes to unfold with the gift of acceptance in your heart. Report from the celestial summit: wonderful things are unfolding for you.

Universe hint:- Clear the way for the future.

Leo Horoscope

What other people believe is irrelevant. Don't allow other people's criticisms stop you from living your life to the fullest. In light of the new moon in your sign, it's time to evaluate the resolutions you set then, readjust if required, and get moving on them. You may be certain that you will always have access to the resources you need to successfully weave your dreams into reality.

Universe hint:- Here's to living like the protagonist you want to be!

Capricorn Horoscope

You like words that begin with the letter "W" and conclude with the letter "T." 'Naturally we're discussing a desire to travel, Capricorn. That's the all-clear signal to go ahead and swing that pendulum and stretch out that globe in front of you. There's evidence to suggest you're raring to go on an exciting new journey. It is recommended that Saturnians in long-distance relationships take more risks. It's important to keep in mind that the future is a clean slate, just waiting to be filled with the most vibrant and daring colors.

Universe hint:- The horizon of the future is wide open.